Monday, April 30, 2007

Friday, April 27, 2007

Rollyo 2

I can see where some people would find this a very usefull tool, I liked that I could use pre-created searches, but I do not really have certain sites that I prefer to search more than others. After highjacking other peoples search rolls though I did find it much more useful.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Monday, April 23, 2007 This is now my new fav. 2.0 exercise. I really enjoyed adding my books to the catalog, and seeing how many people had the same titles, It also helped me organize a portion of my own collection, the tags were very handy; though I'm afraid if I added all my books I would have to upgrade to a payed account. I also joined the librarians who librarything group, which had a few interesting topics up for discussion. If or when I have more time I think I may have to add comments about my titles.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I created this in portrait illustraion maker The generators were a lot of fun, I was suprised at how many different ones there were!
I found that using the blogline search was the easiest to use, and came up with the most usefull feeds. The biggest problem I had with the other search options was the amount of hits you received back just because the search words happened to be mentioned in someones blog (though you could narrow down by searching tags). I was not really interested in adding other people's blogs to my feed, as I tend to only read blogs by people I know already.
Since I was old enough to make pictures on my first computer, a 1983 portable compac which wighted more than 20lb and was larger then most desk top computer but only had a 6 by 6 inch screen, I have struggled to keep up with technology. Every time I think I have caught up it slips away from me when I'm not looking, leaving me to catch up all over again. I like to pretend I am tech savey with my motion detecting Wii, and IPod, but don't ask my how either of them works, as I only know when they don't.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My new and improved RSS. Using the Library 2.0 was the first time that I have ever bothered setting up such an account, though I have been tempted to once in awhile. Though I fear I am on news overload since it's to easy to be tempted by the headlines.

Friday, April 6, 2007

This is the trading card I created using the trading card creator ( This was a picture taken in Nevada while on vaction.

I found this image on flicker, ( I had a lot of fun putting in random searches and looking through the popular tags but the most interesting search option had to me the map, though it seems a bit under developed.